
Professional Development Plan

What is a Professional Development Plan A professional development plan is a documented set of comprehensive guidelines which provide a structured road map for professional development.  A good professional development plan lays out foundation of practices and activities required for professional growth. It crafts a well-defined action plan which can make you go through the metamorphosis of your entire career.
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Choices of Career in Pakistan

Choosing a Career in Pakistan Choosing a career in Pakistan is something easier said than done. Pakistan is amongst the countries with large number of youth and less job opportunities. The lack of growth in private sector has shifted most of the responsibility to the public sector which also suffers from capacity issues to absorb a large number of graduates
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5 Signs you are meant to be an Entrepreneur

Many of us dream to become an entrepreneur but only some of us dare to take a plunge. Of all those who try to pursue their dreams, only a few make it to the top. Startups are always challenging to begin with but once you take up your venture passionately, every single day turns out to be a new adventure.

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Brand Identity

Brand identity is one of the most powerful tools for creating brand image. It plays a pivotal role in creating perception of the brand in the eyes of potential and existing buyers. Brand identity differentiates your products/services in the market place from your competitors. As a result, it develops an association in the mind of masses in addition to setting

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